The Granada Chapter of Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club meets every Sunday at 6:30 AM April thru September, 7:30 AM October thru March, at Granada Park in Phoenix AZ (20th St. and Maryland). Helmets are required, don't forget to bring water!

There's a group for every riders speed- TubbyAZ leads the Pacer 3 group, which averages 15-16 MPH over flat terrain.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

August 1 - Around Camelback to Echo Canyon


Richard sent out the schedule for August, and the 4's will be trekking to Joe's Diner Sunday

The 3's will be taking a trip through Arcadia, then north on 64th St. to McDonald, then back to Echo Canyon for our snack stop (bring something with you). . 

That is, if its not raining. Forecast looks monsoonie thru Saturday, so if that bleeds into Sunday morning, sleep in! 

Rock on...

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 25 - The Road To Nowhere In Particular


I am buried at work this week, and have not had time to even think about Sunday and a route, nor a stopping place. I have had to skip my morning ride the last two days, and tomorrow doesn't look promising either. 

I'll come up with something by Sunday, unless the work issues keep snowballing into an avalanche. But if you have an idea, bring it. 

My friend Dean sent me this, an 18-year old guitar virtuoso, with an acoustic version of "Time". Take a listen, it's amazing. One of the commenters wrote "The door just slammed downstairs. It was my guitar leaving me."

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

July 18 - BYOB - Arizona Falls

The 4's are headed to Scramble at 7th St. and Mountain View, and the 3's will be meandering easterly and take a break at Arizona Falls. Forecast is for 105, oh joy.

Gary sent me this awhile ago. Push play, take a ride around Rome, New York, Rio, Hong Kong and Monaco, and turn your speakers up to 11...

Thursday, July 8, 2021

July 11 - BYOB / Mountain View Park


While the 4's will be going to The Cracked Egg, the 3's will again be forgoing a restaurant stop due to the oppressive heat and stop at Mountain View Park for a short break. Bring along a Clif bar or something similar. The low Sunday morning will be 91 degrees, and headed to 114. Same as it ever was...