The Granada Chapter of Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club meets every Sunday at 6:30 AM April thru September, 7:30 AM October thru March, at Granada Park in Phoenix AZ (20th St. and Maryland). Helmets are required, don't forget to bring water!

There's a group for every riders speed- TubbyAZ leads the Pacer 3 group, which averages 15-16 MPH over flat terrain.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sunday June 28 - Mountain View Park

The park restrooms are open in Scottsdale (well, at least they were last week), so let's head up the Dreamy Draw and wend our way over to Mountain View Park on Sunday. Don't forget to bring a mask and a snack for our stop at the park. And plenty of water, it's going to be another scorcher.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sunday June 21 - Tempe Town Lake

Sorry this is so late, but I had the week from hell at work. Pulled two all-nighters. Not fun.

So anyway, I am sorely lacking in miles, and since there are bathrooms and sinks for washing, seems as good a place as any. Route will be the one I was trying to do last Sunday, which evaded my work-fogged brain.

Route will be up the Dreamy Draw, then across on Doubletree to Mockingbird and Invergordon, meeting Gary on Indian Bend. He's got a route to show us.

Remember to bring a mask, and a snack for our stop at the lake if you are so inclined. As long as work doesn't explode tonight...

Friday, June 12, 2020

Sunday June 14 - On The Road To Nowhere

As the pandemic in Arizona seems to be making an unwelcome comeback, I've been rethinking the Sunday ride thing. I am not prepared to die for a cup of coffee. 

There will be no destination this week, or for the near future until the infection rate decreases. I should be there at the usual time, but we'll figure out a route at the park. 

Please bring a mask with you, in case of flat tires, jammed chains or heaven forbid an accident.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sunday June 7 - Dreamy Draw/Mummy Mountain/AJ's

See the schedule on the right, I have destinations for both the 3's and 4's now.

How about the 3's do a ride up the Dreamy Draw, and take the usual 54th St. route over Mummy Mountain. Then a stop at AJ's at Camelback and 44th St., as they have a bathroom, coffee bar, and an area outside to chat (in order of importance!). Be sure to bring a mask with you if you plan on entering the store.

I rode down to Granada this morning before work, to check out the water line construction. Looks like they started trenching in 20th St. recently, but the park is still open. We should probably discuss where and when to move our meeting spot if necessary as construction progresses.

See ya Sunday!