The Granada Chapter of Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club meets every Sunday at 6:30 AM April thru September, 7:30 AM October thru March, at Granada Park in Phoenix AZ (20th St. and Maryland). Helmets are required, don't forget to bring water!

There's a group for every riders speed- TubbyAZ leads the Pacer 3 group, which averages 15-16 MPH over flat terrain.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 21 - Chompie's (New Location!)


Richard and the 4's are heading to Daily Dose this Sunday (well, maybe not Richard, he is volunteering for Bike Patrol duties at Tour de Tucson on Saturday). In any case, Steve will be there. 

The 3's will be taking the Mummy Mountain 54th St. route to Paradise Valley and the new Chompie's. I will be riding Tour de Tucson on Saturday, so I doubt I'll be lighting the road on fire Sunday.

One other housekeeping note, I will not be here to lead on the following weekend, November 28. You're on your own! 

Here's something from the just-released record "BOOK" from They Might Be Giants... Rock on.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Seriously, F**** Texas


Let's give Matt's Big Breakfast a try this week. They get busy, so we might have to split into two tables, depending on how many people show up. 

I'll leave you with the latest installment of redneck Texas a$$holes who hate us cyclists. ESPECIALLY if you're black. Read the story here, and this is local TV news coverage that didn't quite give the whole story (as is the case with most local news). 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 7 - Luci's At The Grove


Richard and the 4's are going to the Moon Valley Cafe (they were great last week, service a little slow, but these days its to be expected everywhere). The 3's group will go East this week and visit Luci's At The Grove in North Scottsdale. 

On November 14, Richard and the 4's will not be at the park, but instead motoring with bikes down to the Old Pueblo for the Tucson Bike swap and a pleasant ride in one of America's most bike-friendly cities. See Richard soon if you are so inclined to join them.

The Desert Classic ride that was scheduled for this Saturday November 6th has been cancelled, as the club was unable to meet our rider and volunteer participation targets, which would have meant operating the event at a significant loss. 

And just so you know, the new Chompie's at 32nd St. and Cactus has opened! Expect that as a destination in the near future.

I love this song from Cake, and someone made it into an homage to Emma Peele. Rock on...

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Arizona Bicycle Club/Phoenix Metro Bike Club Remembrance

The bike club has a long history of bringing folks together for the pure enjoyment of biking. As members we have seen many changes as well as people coming and going.

The past 2 years have brought on the passing of some close members to the organization. Of these, the 3 that come to mind are John Martin, Richard Utterback and more recently, Ron Miller. All 3 of these individuals contributed to and brought joy to the many members on the joys of bicycling. I’m sure there are others we may not have heard about, and our thoughts are with them as well. May they all rest in peace.

A few of us recently met with Ron’s brother offering our assistance in determining the value of the many bikes, as well as countless components, for him to settle Ron’s account. Until the process of probate resolves itself, these assets will not be published until that time.

Until then,

· “Life is like riding a bicycle. ...

· “It never gets easier, you just go faster” ...

· “Crashing is part of cycling as crying is part of love” ...

· “A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke”

Monday, November 1, 2021

Yes, we pay our share


Gary sent me this article from The Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists...