The Granada Chapter of Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club meets every Sunday at 6:30 AM April thru September, 7:30 AM October thru March, at Granada Park in Phoenix AZ (20th St. and Maryland). Helmets are required, don't forget to bring water!

There's a group for every riders speed- TubbyAZ leads the Pacer 3 group, which averages 15-16 MPH over flat terrain.

Monday, May 18, 2020

May 24 - Tempe Town Lake Ride

This weekend, the PMBC board sent out this communique (which most of you should have received):

Following the COVID-19 shutdown, the PMBC Board met on May 16, 2020 to discuss Governor Ducey’s decision to reopen Arizona's restaurants and other public facilities to decide what this means for PMBC. We have decided to follow his directives with regard to what our Club offers to its members and guests.

We encourage everyone to educate themselves on the risks involved by reading an article that we found to be very helpful, The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them. Following this, we are leaving it up to our Ride Leaders to decide whether they would like to lead group rides. Ride Leaders may or may not choose to include the option of dining at a restaurant and they may or may not choose to join in the dining fun, should it be offered.

No one should feel pressured to do anything that they don't feel is safe to do. The Club is not endorsing, nor is it discouraging, any policy with regard to the use of any public facilities by anyone. If your fellow riders choose of their own free will to have lunch inside a restaurant, that's OK. If you choose not to join them, that's your choice, which is also OK. You are responsible for your own safety when participating in Club activities.

The 4's group will be resuming their normal rides with a restaurant visit.  As the leader of the 3's,  I do not feel comfortable sitting down and spending any length of time in an enclosed indoor space. So this Sunday May 24th, I'll be leading a ride to Tempe Town Lake. Bring your favorite snack with you for when we take a break somewhere safe. 

I would ask all of you to bring a face covering with you- not necessarily for the ride (but if you want to, by all means!), but mostly in case of flat tires or roadside repairs where you might have to get closer to someone. 

It should go without saying, but if you don't feel well, please don't come. And if you have recently been on an airline flying tube of death, perhaps you should be quarantining for 14 days. 

So, there you go. I look forward to seeing any of you who may venture out Sunday. After two months of weekend work, I am seriously jazzed to get out of the house!

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